Cutomer Financial Information

Ozarks Natural Beef, LLC only collects customer financial information via PayPal to ship the item(s) to the customer.  When your buy from Ozarks Natural Beef, LLC, your credit card purchase is processed in real time through PayPal's secure server; visit them at for more information.  Your order is then encrypted by Verisign before being sent to us.  All credit card information is automatically deleted from PayPal's server after your business is concluded.  All of the customer's financial information is encrypted from us. 

Customer Contact Information

Customer contact information including email addresses is used only to send promotional materials from Ozarks Natural Beef, LLC and is never provided to outside vendors or email listing services.  We value your privacy as much as you do. 

Customer Page Preferences

Customer page preferences are only used to improve the content of the Ozarks Natural Beef, LLC website.